Saint-Félix has always occupied a strategic position, allowing the valley between the Montagne Noire and the Lauragais hillsides to be watched over: traces of Neolithic settlement, Roman camp, Visigothic fort, seigneury and bastide.
In medieval times the fortified village was surrounded by moats. Remains of ramparts are still visible. Three drawbridge gates gave access to the town. The castle, built in the 11th century and rebuilt several times, forms an irregular quadrilateral organised around towers, three of which are still standing. The church wasbuilt in the early 14th century and erected as a collegiate church in 1318 by Pope John XXII.
Here are some dates that have marked the history of the town :
1167: Cathar Council presided over by Bishop Nicetas of Constantinople.
1265 : Birth in St-Félix of Guillaume de Nogaret, legist and chancellor of King Philippe le Bel.
1355 : Devastating passage of the English troops of Edward Prince of Wales (the Black Prince).
1814: On 17th April. The English armies of the Duke of Wellington were resting on the Forks Hill against the troops of Napoleon 1st under the command of Marshal Soult.
1872: Birth of the composer Déodat de Séverac.
Walks in the village and around the English cemetery. Numerous hiking trails starting from Saint-Félix-Lauragais. Lake of Lenclas
Hiking circuits on sale at the Tourist Information Centre of Saint-Félix-Lauragais, or in Revel or Sorèze.